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Sarapis is a nonprofit organization committed to advancing the free/libre/open source movement by developing technology solutions for NGOs, community groups, and government agencies. Their work focuses on improving access to health, human, and social services information through open data standards and interoperable software tools. By supporting initiatives like Open Referral, Sarapis helps create structured, accessible, and shareable resource directories that connect people with the services they need.


Blueprint is building a new data administration interface that allows non-profit organizations to efficiently create, update, and manage HSDS-compliant datasets. This tool will support database CRUD operations, user management, taxonomy structuring, and data import/export while seamlessly integrating with other open-source HSDS tools like Connect211 for public-facing directories. By modernizing the management of human service data, this open-source project will enhance resource accessibility, streamline social service referrals, and improve interoperability within the Open Referral ecosystem.


Java, Spring Boot, React, PostgreSQL

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